Fairlight Farm & Forest Centre was a dream in the hearts of founders Leah “Sparrow” Houghton, and Rae Sharp for many years before they even walked the land where the farm now sits….

With extensive backgrounds in outdoor education, nature connection, land-based skills, and permaculture, Rae and Sparrow have always wanted to share these passions with others. The land was obtained in May 2021, and the off-grid homestead began with a tiny house, a barn and pastures, a chicken coop, and a pump house/solar array. Programming at Fairlight Farm began almost immediately with students of the Knowlesville Art and Nature Centre coming for weekly programming in the Wild Child Program. 

The 70 acre farm has 40 acres of mixed forest with several streams and trails, a 13 acre 30-year-old red pine plantation, an outdoor classroom (The Burrow), an indoor classroom/bunkhouse (Hawthorne Hollow), and pastures for rotational grazing of goats, horses, pigs, rabbits, and a cow. Many gardens grow food for volunteers and overnight programs.