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Payment and Discounts

Sibling Discount

20% off (after first full-price camper)

Early Bird Discount

20% off. Pay in full for summer programs by May 18th

A non-refundable pre-payment of $25 is required to secure a spot in each of the camps. Payment can be made through cash, check, or e-transfer to

Cancellation Policy

Fairlight Farm follows the Anglophone West School District closures in case of inclement weather. 

Refunds will only be given if the cancellation is received in writing 20 days before the start of the program. 

Although we rarely need to do so, we reserve the right to cancel a course or change a course duration, tuition or location. Fairlight Farm is not responsible for costs associated in these cases.

In the case that any of a program is cancelled due to inclement weather, or circumstances out of our control, all possible attempts will be made to offer a make-up day. However, in many circumstances, this may not be possible. In the event of a program cancellation due to weather, air quality, or other concerns, we will notify families as soon as possible via email to the primary address on file. Unfortunately, in line with our cancellation policy, we will be unable to reimburse families for any camp time cancelled due to weather or other natural occurrences.   Occasionally, we may decided to try to hold camp, but will evaluate throughout the day.  In this instance, families will be notified that they need to be prepared to pick up their students if we determine that conditions are deteriorating and it is in the best interest of the students to close camp for the day.

We acknowledge and respect that families each have unique needs and levels of comfort, and we encourage families to make the attendance decisions that are right for them. If programming goes ahead as planned, we are not able to offer any refunds to families who choose not to attend.